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Theres only a few reasons why women cheat. Number 1. Their spouses got to comfortable and dont believe in trying to please the woman that they already have, therefore women go and find it else where. Number 2 no hugs and kisses after the children are born, just a pek when leaving out the door for work. Women like foreplay more than sex itself so if you cant warm the meal you dont get to eat! Number 3. Your man's to buzy with tv or friends or etra ciricular activities

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12y ago

that possibly means you aren't over your ex. so maybe tell BOTH of them to take a break and think about it!

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Q: Why did you cheat on your current boyfriend with your ex- boyfriend?
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Yes it is tacky to tell a friend about an ex boyfriend's current sexual partners. It proves you are small minded; a gossiper and have a hidden desire to hurt your ex. You will be the loser.

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Ive been with my bf for almost 2 years things have gotten stale recently reconnected with an ex and I think I'm having feelings for him but I'm pretty sure he just wants sex I'm thinking of cheat?

That's probably the worse idea ever. Don't cheat on your current boyfriend, especially with your ex. First of all, your ex-boyfriend is an EX-boyfriend for a reason.. your currently boyfriend of two years will most likely be devasted. You don't want to live with that guilt.. And although things are getting "stale", there are ways to fix that. Don't cheat on him, because more often than not, you will regret it -- your boyfriend will most likely leave you, or you will FOREVER taint the relationship. If you don't want to be with your boyfriend of 2 years, break up with him first. Tell him it's just not working out anymore - but by all means, don't cheat. You leave a bad reputation for yourself, and your current boyfriend will go through trust issues long after you do this. If you want to pursue your exboyfriend, break up with the current one first. But, I hope you think this through. Remember, "You don't know what you got until you lose it". Good luck.

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she has only had 1 ex boyfriend her current boyfriend is Garret Backstrom

Which is correct he is your ex boyfriend or he was your ex boyfriend?

"He is your ex boyfriend" is correct.If you were to say "he was your ex boyfriend" it would suggest that he is no longer your ex.

Would it be bad to cheat on your boyfriend if you are going to visit your ex-boyfriend and you still have strong emotions toward each other?

If its strong emotions then YES . .^

How do you ask current boyfriend about his ex?

You simply ask. If he has nothing to hide, he will tell you.