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Because they were hoes

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Q: Why did women marry so young in the 1920's?
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What difficulties might arise within an arranged marriage?

A young women may not have wished to marry so young or to a man she did not know, but her wishes were not considered important.

What were male and female like relationships in the 1600?

I don't think they were that good because women were second class citeziens so the men probably found a young women to marry and had loads of children with them to make them look rich. Not sure if that's right but its what ive heard.I don't think they were that good because women were second class citeziens so the men probably found a young women to marry and had loads of children with them to make them look rich. Not sure if that's right but its what ive heard.

What do Young men get out of relationships with older women?

Sex. Lots of it. Its the "Odepus Complex". The mythological young man named Odepus was jealous of his father's relationship with his mother, so he killed his father so he could marry his mother. Hence, young men attracted to older women subconsciously yearn for their mother. I guess you could say they're "motherf_ _ kers.

What were the trends of the 1920s?

Short hair on women was trendy in the 1920s. So were flapper dresses, which were loose, straight dresses that usually had strings of beads or sequins on the bottom.

Is harry from mcfly will marry izzy?

Harry might Marry Izzy but He is not going to be marry her Just yet as they are both still so young.

What are mate selection theory?

mate selection theory is when a men tends to marry a young attractive women, who will be able to bear him many children, and a women tends to marry someone of high status, and someone who is strong, so that the women is secure in her future and has a strong man to protect her.

Why would a man marry a woman if he is transgender?

because maybe he wants to be a women so he likes women!

Do Nigerian men marry African American women or other non-Nigerian women a lot?

the majority of Nigerian men marry their own cultural women; sometimes it depends on what tribe they are from because the igbo tribe marry out compared to any tribe in nigeria but it's still low. So only low numbers of Nigerian men marry African American or non-Nigerian(exception: other women from other African nations) women. So to answer your question, NO.

Do you need a witness to get married?

we are told to marry in the truthe .so we marry people in our religion

Can anorexic women marry or find a man who will love them in spite of their illness?

I believe so.

Why do Pakistani women get married at a young age?

In traditional farming cultures, as Pakistan was, women had few roles other than being a mother. They did not go to school and were not expected to get a job. They were expected to be able to have lots of children so the trend became to marry straight after puberty so that girls would have the maximum number of fertile years to have children. Even though the culture has changed over time some families do put pressure on girls to marry young for fear that she will be too old to have kids later.

Why is football lingerie so popular among young women?

Football lingerie is so popular among young women because it is the first time that women have played the sport of football in any sort of professional atmosphere.