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he might be gay, or he thinks you look weird or something

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Q: Why did this straight guy keep staring at you when you are also a straight guy?
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If a guy just keep staring at you what does dat mean?

He wants to engage in sexual activity with you.

What if a guy constantly keeps staring at a girl and will move closer to her and keep staring at her either through the corner of his eye or just plain out STARING....note you have notin on your shirt?

that means he like u

Why would a guy who liked you couple years ago keep staring at you when you walk into a room?


How do you keep from flirting with a guy?

stop staring at his cock. Um... That too but yeah. Act uninterested but not uninviting.

Why would a shy girl look down when a guy is staring at her?

The guy is probably making her uncomfortable, staring at her like that. Staring is rude.

What does it mean when a girl smiles at a guy whom was staring at her and then he looks straight down to the ground?

He's probably shy. he was staring at you cause your pretty, or you probably had something embarrassing on you... but im sure it means that he likes you. it happens

What does that mean if the guy you like gives you a long stare and looks straight at you a few times in class every once in a while no matter you sit behind him or opposite to him and etc?

It means that he's sort of interested in you, just not alot. Keep your eyes open for him. If he keeps staring then ask him out, or ask him why he's staring at you. You'll always get your answer by asking.

What if a guy constantly keeps staring at a girl and will move closer to her and keep staring at her either through the corner of his eye or just plain out STARING note you have nothing on your shirt?

Well... This is simple he has a crush on you. Now I don't know this guy of course or is asking this question. From this question though I can conclude that he has a crush on you or thinks your dating.

Would a straight smile if another guy was staring at him?

Probably, if he was being polite. However, you can't really judge if a person is gay or not based on them smiling....

How do you tell if a guy like you?

- He always staring at you. - He always around oyu - He licks his lips around you. - he asks for your MSN - If he has your MSN when you log on he will say hi straight away.

How do you tell when that guy you like likes you back?

well, first he will keep staring at you, talk to you, be nice, or ask for something unusual for ex. a hug.

Why would a guy keep staring at you for weeks and you end up making the first move but all of the sudden he doesn't look at you anymore?
