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well if he/she did that it means you were never that close

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Q: Why did my friend choise popularity over friendship?
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With time and distance.

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A steady friendship is one that stand the taste of time. Such friendship are built over a long period of time.

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If your friendship is worth it, give the girl up.

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Yes. Having friends over your house is a perfectly natural way to increase friendship status.

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A person who would break a friendship over something little like that is not a friend to begin with. True friends are hard to come by, but they're the ones truly worth having and fighting for.

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some people value a friendship over other things they could be, and friendship is a bond that cheating cant break my opinion

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You don't. If you want to keep your friendship with your best friend then you should not date their ex. You will end up losing your best friend over a relationship that will most likely not even last long while you friendship can last a lifetime. SO don't screw up a friendship over a little relationship.

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friendship is always better than losing a friendship to have a boyfriend for a little opinion

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in this case you take the friendship and you do anything you can to keep it. maybe if you prove how much of a friend you are, he or she might want more of a friendship.

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Start by being on time! Also, apologize for always being late. Hope you're friendship lasts.

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any friend worth having would still be your friend after you told them that, even if they don't like you back, and not telling her will eat at you to the point where you can't spend time with her and the friendship is over, the only way to keep her as a friend is to tell her.

What do you do when your friend is lying to you?

you tell him "why do little things mess up our friendship just be clear don't lie i want our friendship to last forever" in other words tell him or her that you know that their lying and if they don't stop and start becoming a loyal friend then you and his or her friendship will be over because the most horrible friends are he ones that lie!