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Because you don't get closure from your Ex. You get closure from yourself so you can move on. Trust me when I say if they won't meet/talk/ etc they still love you and want you to pursue them. Don't give up but don't be a stalker, the odd text once a week just to let them know you are there for them helps. They will call.

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Q: Why did my ex deny me closure after a 4 year relationship?
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Why wont your ex meet you for closure?

maybe he just doesn't want to!!! (:(:(: btw hi how are you!

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Yes it is a good way to get closure. Sometime she does some times she doesn't, it depends on why the relationship ended.

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She's made it clear she doesn't want to be in contact with you, so the best thing to do is to honor that decision. Everyone has experienced it at least once, but it's not healthy to fixate on an ex who no longer reciprocates your feelings. An ex cannot give you closure; you are the only person who can give closure to yourself. Closure means accepting that the relationship is over, that the past relationship cannot be turned into future potential, and that you have to make yourself move on, despite any residual feelings. It takes time and no contact with the ex.

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We don't know you so we can't answer your question. Sometimes our dreams provide us a means of closure to finally end a relationship.

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You have to ask yourself why after nine years you feel the need to befriend an old ex. It does not make sense and 'ex' means the relationship is over so don't open Pandora's Box.

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Is it right to tell your ex-husband I love you when your in a new relationship of a year and a half?

No, it's not okay to do that. If you really love your ex-husband, you'd not be in another relationship at the current moment.

Should you talk to the ex that you never had closure with?

If your Ex is willing to talk then it may be a good thing as long as it does not lead to further harm. However if your Ex is not interested in talking further then it is a very bad idea to try.Closure comes from within yourself first and last; if you can find closure within yourself then you do not need to find closure with someone else.

What does it mean when you aked your ex for closure and he does not call you back?

you may never get closure. if he's not man enough to tell you how he really feels, then he doesn't deserve you.

What do you do when your ex friend tells everyone who you fancy?

deny and ignore

How do you contact ex for closure?

Hate to say it but time is all that can make that happen.

How long should you wait to be in a relationship with an ex you love after you end a 1 year relationship with another love?

about 1 month but just flirt till then ;-)