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because they needed help with slave work with an extended family that meant less work for each one.

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Q: Why did enslaved people need and extended family?
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Use extended family in a sentence?

It depends how long your sentence is for. If you're serving less than one year, I wouldn't use extended family very much. Your "nuclear" family should be able to visit you and provide you with what you need. If you're serving a longer sentence, like 25-to-life, then you can REALLY use your extended family then.

What Atlantic trade routes carried goods and enslaved people between?

lol i need this too HELP:(

Why did Polk believe no one would take an enslaved person to the southwest?

Polk believed that no one would take an enslaved person to the southwest because of the climate of the area. The climate in the southwest was dry, this meant that it would not be suitable for plantations. Therefore, there would be no need for the help that came from enslaved people.

Why did the value of enslaved people increase?

The value of enslaved people increased due to high demand for labor in industries like agriculture and mining, leading to a greater need for slaves. Additionally, the profitability of slave labor in terms of producing goods further boosted their value. Finally, the expansion of slave economies and the perpetuation of slavery through laws and social systems reinforced the value of enslaved individuals.

How do you use the word extend in a sentence?

He extended his house by adding a new room at the back. The deadline for voting was extended by two weeks. The ladder on the fire truck can be extended to reach the roof of a building. His extended family included an uncle from Scotland.

Who was a enslaved Africanand brought to America at the age 12?

There were millions of 12 year old children enslaved. Need to give more information.

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2-6 people.

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Why do you think so many Plantation owners turned to enslaved Africans as a labor force?

Plantation owners turned to enslaved Africans as a labor force due to their need for cheap and abundant labor to work on the large plantations. Enslaved Africans were seen as a profitable and easily controlled source of labor that could be exploited for economic gain. The transatlantic slave trade provided a constant supply of enslaved people to meet the labor demands of the plantations.

Why do people need a surname?

Like them or not, your surname links you to your family.

How many beef would you need for a familly?

It depends on how large the family is or how much the people in the family eats

If your father is small in height does that mean you will be?

There is no hard and fast rule, you need to look at your extended family on both your mother's and father's side. However it is possible that you will turn out like your father.