

Best Answer

u can have depends on your maturity level and what you

really want to do

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Q: Why can't a 13 yr old have a boyfriend?
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How can you protect your 13 yr old from his lying mother?

you cant stop the 13 year old from lying. But you can gain his/her trust.

Where can a 13 yr old boy find a job?

you cant not until your 14 you may go apply at hyvee at 14

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At what age should a Mother allow her 13 yr daughter have a 14 yr old 'boyfriend' spend the night even if it was for New Years?

Your daughter is old enough to have boys spend the night when she's old enough to marry one of them.

Can your thirty yr old boyfriend produce kids?

Men are said to produce sperm throughout their lifetime. And yes, your thirty yr old boyfriend can give you kids.

You are 13 yrs old and have a 17 yr old boyfriend who is the same age as your older sister is that too weird?

-coughs- sorryy we have no answers -coughs into an envolope and gives it to you - but you can have this..... if you want it

Can I prevent my 17-yr old from moving in with her boyfriend?

yes until they are 18 you are there legal gardian and they cant leave because of the trace! yes until they are 18 you are there legal gardian and they cant leave because of the trace!

Why do you have to be thirteen to get a job?

even 13 yr olds cant get a job

Can a 17 yr old girl move in with her 22 yr old boyfriend in Ohio without permisson with parents?

No she is still a minor.

What can a 13 yr old work for to get cash in the UK?

no where you are bearly a eenager. im 15 and i still cant find a job. youre out of luck, sorry

Can a 17 yr old female marry her 20 yr old boyfriend if they have a child together and have parental consent in the state of Ohio?


If you are 11 how can you tell weather or not a 13 yr old likes you?

the 11 yr old is a girl or a boy?