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  • Some people become serial cheaters because they should have stayed single. It is a myth that all individuals should get married and there are many single people that enjoy being single. The obsessed cheater is immature; self centered; has no moral values and is narcissistic to not care what their partner thinks of their cheating.
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Q: Why are some people becomes a serial cheaters?
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You can't give a correct percentage because some cheaters haven't been caught yet, or have cheated and never been caught.

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This site is bad to search go somewhere else CHEATERS!

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ANSWER: As far as I know it was cancelled because some spouse who were cheating complain to that company. 2-28-2012 Cheaters is on Channel 17 CW7 @ 11:00am through Comcast.

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1 - Commitment - on both parts. 2 - Values. 3 - Maturity 4 - Past behavior - serial cheaters don't change. 5 - Willingness to forgive and to be forgiven. 6 - Willingness to change and to grow. 7 - Love

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As of September 2021, you can watch episodes of Cheaters on the streaming platform Pantaya, which is available in the USA. Additionally, some episodes may be available on YouTube or through other online streaming platforms, but availability may vary.

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Why do people make tributes glorifying serial killers?

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