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Because we dont know what to say to you! Guys need to just pick a random subject and start talkin about it, if the girl still doesn't come out of her shell then ask her about her life like what she plans on doing in the future and stuff like that. If that still doesn't work, then just don't say anything, maybe the girl will relax alittle more if she sees that you are not so stressed out about talking. Hope this helped! If not, sorry:)

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Q: Why are some girls quiet when you are talking to them?
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Do girls like quiet guys?

Some do. It depends on the girl.

Why do girls hate quiet guys?

Not all girls hate quiet guys (some girls find quiet guys creepy and some find them mysterious), but MOST girls love talking so they like talkative guys who will talk at length with them. Although if you're a quiet guy don't change yourself for someone. Wait for the girl who will accept you for who you are. Hey I'm a girl and I only like quiet guys! I think it is THE cutest thing, besides the only possible attribute cuter than quietness, which is how sweet/respectful/kind you are. To me, quiet guys tend to come across as much more mature, calm, secure, and peaceful and much less time-wasting, etc etc.

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Preferences vary among individuals. Some guys may prefer outgoing and talkative girls, while others may prefer more reserved and quiet personalities. It's important to be authentic and true to yourself.

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because girls tend to talk back and not give in while a guy knows when to shut up and be quiet

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no theydont they only stop talking when they are playing the quiet game or silent ball if your daughter doesnt stop talking do what i did and get ear muffs i might work for you as it did for me but if it does you have problems

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Just be yourself if she says your weird then shes probably weird and doesnt know what she is talking about

Why do some girls only talk to other girls?

Some girls only talk to girls because that's who they are comfortable talking to. Some do it because it is easier. And some do it because it is just how they feel.

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Some guys like quite, nice girls but others don't. It all depends on the guy

What kind of girls like quiet boys?

mute girls

Do girls like to have their breast looked by boys?

Some do. Girls who are sluts love it. Quiet girls find it creepy. Jocks find it pervish. Some girls find it flattering.

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What type of girls does Liam like?

He likes girls that are quiet but cheeky.