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Every one wants to be loved exclusively and not shared with others. People must make their mate feel more love than others this will create trust

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Q: Why are some couples jelouse?
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She is not jelouse :p

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yes they do, if you pay attention to one dog but not the other yes they do get jelouse

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first of all you need to tell me why your jelouse because someone can show you why you shouldn't be. get over it. move on. get a new gf or bf. make them jelouse.

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you talk to them and try to infacise the situation. See why they're jelouse and if you already know and can't help it then le nature take it's course

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It's SAID that Vanessa was feeling a little jelouse because Zack Efron had to much girls that are his friends and Vanessa got jelouse.

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Some of the commerical have a interracial couples. Depends on which commericals are you watching.

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If she likes me and i like her why her friends jelouse?

They are jealous because they probably like you too.