You will not need to report your personal credit cards stolen to the credit bureau. Once you have reported your cards stolen to the credit card companies they are with, they will take care of the rest for you.
Pull your credit report.
It depend on the individual credit card companies if they report on your credit history or not, like some department store credit cards may not show on a credit report
No, if the wife is not an authorized user on the credit card then it does not affect the wife's credit report. So the late payment will only be on the husband credit report.
Look on the credit report. It has to list what accountd are opened
7-10 yrs
Get a credit report on him. Try or and a list of his credit cards should pop up.
Yes. Any store credit card reports on your credit.
A credit report will tell you what exactly is on your credit. You may find credit cards or other lines of credit you never authorized. You may also find credit cards you thought you closed, but didn't. Since business will judge you based on what's on your credit report, it's important to make sure it's all accurate.
Debit cards do not report to the credit bureaus and therefore closing a debit card will have no impact on your credit score.
If they are attached to the same account. My wifes card has the same numbers as mine.