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We don't get accepted by anybody because we're not fully white, black Asian or otherwise.

Addendum:Children of mixed ethnicity, obviously mixed ethnicity that is, are told that they must belong to one group or another. And, although this is a myth, it is often believed.

The fact of the matter is that most people focus on negatives. It is natural human behavior. If soldiers and factory workers are not griping, something is wrong. This is true for all humans. It need not be though.

Here are the facts: in the world today, homogenous populations, that is groups of people made up of a single ethnic group, are an extreme minority. The differences may be slight, but very few of the seven or so billion people on the planet do not carry some genetic traces of other ethnic groups. The result is that everyone, statistically speaking, on the planet is of mixed ancestry. Nowhere on the planet is this more true than in the Western Hemisphere, and especially in the US, Canada, and Mexico. In fact, those who can trace their ancestry back to the birth of the US, will find, somewhere in their family tree, one or more members who originated from some other country or continent.

Mixing creates diversity. Diversity leads to better adaptation. Better adaptation leads to survival.

Children of mixed race, by logic, have advantages that those who are not of mixed race can never hope to have.

Be who you are not who you are told to be.

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