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In 'nature', adolescent male mammals typically evolved to be competitive. It was necessary for a man to be strong, fierce, and cunning in order to protect and provide for both himself and his family. In order to demonstrate those abilities to a female, a wide variety of behaviors have evolved. In 'high school guys' in particular, they have close to the strength of an adult, they are about the same height as an adult, and they are sexually mature (meaning that they are capable of reproduction). On the other hand, they are extremely inexperienced, unable (generally) to provide for or protect themselves or a family, and they are still undergoing a great deal of hormonal changes that affect their reasoning and judgement. They have privileges that they've never had before, and they typically exploit their newfound freedom to the max - it's human nature. When you add to that the fact that they are biologically predisposed to pull stunts to impress members of the opposite sex and the fact that females mature faster than men, it shouldn't shock anyone that most everyone (even some high school guys) regard adolescent males as immature. If it's any consolation to you, around 22-23 years of age the maturity gap between males and females seems to disappear; both are effectively adults (or should be). I assume this is a comment from a female - the only advise I can give you is that if you're interested in the male, make sure that you express your disapproval of his immature antics. If he doesn't care, he's probably not mature enough to date anyway.

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Q: Why are high school guys so obnoxious?
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You can find a high school girlfriend by looking really nice. You may also find a girlfriend in high school by just looking around and talking to girls and having parties and invite many girls and not so many guys !!! He really is right. All my friends are girls and lemme tell you, its cool.

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i dont think so

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Not all people are mean in high school. You've probably just had a bad experience with the people you've met. There are plenty of extremely nice girls & guys in high school; if you keep your eyes out for them, they are easy to find! :)