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Its because he doesnt feel as much pressure when its just you and him but when hes around his friends they dump the pressure on. You could try being friends with them or compleatly ignoring him when you hang out with him and his friends. when he is around his friends he might think that he needs to be mean to other girls but inside he is hurting because he knows hes hurting you. he just doesnt want to be bagged on.

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Q: Why are guys sweet when hanging out with them out of class but around his friends he becomes a jerk how do you get him to notice and talk to you around his friends?
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I am going throgh the same spot as you ok what i am doing is i am hanging around his friends so that he will notice me and that's what my cousin told me to do plus get into the stuff that he is into.A;You can try what the previous user says but you cannot force anyone to like you so if he takes no notice then the best thing will be to look for someone else. There are plenty of other nice boys about who will be keen to see you as a friend. Don't waste time on this one.

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