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Because some think that it makes them above you, To control you. If you are afraid the he may hurt you, you will do what he wants you to. But not all men are like that there are many kind men. you just need to fine them.

<< The above is true, guys see themselves as more dominant over girls, however it is also sometimes their way of flirting with you. Unlike girls, guys wont go all sweet on you as their reputation is important to them as they aren't as sensitive as girls. I guy might jokingly be mean to you by making little jokey comments on you. I wouldn't take it to heart if it is like this, it might just be his way of saying "i really like you" and you should be flattered. however, if it doesn't see jokey and it hurts your feelings maybe try confronting him, if eh is bullying you there is nothing worse for a guy than to be put in his place by a girl, they like to think they control you and that they are better than you.

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13y ago

It can be for a few reasons but it all depends on the way that we are being mean to you.

If is it a joking, teasing kind of mean that it generally means we like you.

If it is not joking then it can mean just get out of our face because youre bing really annoying.

This can also depend on whether we are ith friends, because we might not want you to know that we like you in front of our friends and so we will be really mean to you, or we might tease you in front of our friends because we want them to feel jealous about the fun relationship that we have with you.

Don't worry about it too much, our minds work in wierd ways. :)

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