I have been in the same possition for a long time and frankly am still trying to get over my last bad relationship, but I have realized that somthimes you just need to let things go. If he/she hurt you as much as she/he did, then honestly they dont seem worth it. Some times you just need to step out of the shadows and find what you realy want. Do you realy want to be afraid of this person making you afraid of everyone elts? Or do you want to move on? I know it dont seem like it is that easy, but trust me, if you want to get over it badly enough you will find a way too.. Same thing for me and everyone elts who has just gotten out of a bad relationship. So now you should know what you dont want in a boy/girl and you should be able to move on from there, keep your eyes open. Hope i helped, please message me if you have anymore questions about this or need someone to talk to.
i have one im just scared we will fall out of love .
just go for it there;s nothing to be scared about
you love him
it means your scared he is not going to love you back but he probaly does
You should not let being scared from calling a boy if that's what you really want to do. You may be able to call the boy if you pretend that he is a girlfriend until he gets on the phone. You will then see that there is nothing to be scared of.
Answer You may have to go to court to get a Peace Bond against him so that he's not allowed to come near you, but before you do that, move to an area of town where he won't find you. If you are truly scared, involve the Police as they can assist you more than we can here. Good luck
no but he did it in front of the class when we was in school when we was litteler
She may not want a boyfriend. She may not be trying to attract a boyfriend. Or she may not be the most popular girl, and the not popular boys are too scared to make a move
She might be scared that she will loose him.
show them girl(: he will love them!
Because shes too scared.
IF you are scared to come in contact with your own boyfriend then perhaps you are too young to be dating, or you have self esteem issues, not being able to communicate with your boyfriend isn't a sign of a healthy relationship. If this activity prolongs you should seek profestional attention.