You sound like a confident young woman and your gut instincts are warning you that something isn't right. Learn to trust you! To be sure of your feelings talk to your boyfriend more and ask him a few more questions. Since this is under 'long distance relationships' perhaps it's time you ended the relationship and do it the old fashion way ... get out at date right where you live!
Darlin I hope so!
Pray for him and hope he is safe. If you can cope with it, so can he.
Tell them you have a boyfriend, see if they care about you not having a girlfriend.
There has been no record of her having a boyfriend. So, I wouldn't believe that she is.
It depends. You could be so happy that you have a boyfriend/girlfriend that you do well, or you could beso distracted that you do badly.
don't think so... it is a celebrity thing
Yes so never cheat
Dreams are very tricky. Sometimes it could just be your subconscious thoughts, and other times your dream could just occur out of no where. If you have any doubts other than it just being a dream, you should confront your boyfriend and friend so it can ease your mind.
It also depends on the nature of your boyfriends crimes. So, what did boyfriend do? And when? But seriously, think twice about even HAVING a boyfriend around your child until the divorce is finalized.
I hope so, both a little strange
They are not having a baby.
This is a wish-fulfillment dream. The dreamer would like to have a boyfriend, so the subconscious mind presents a romantic scenario to fulfill that desire. Having "no one" approve of the boyfriend adds a bit of drama and romance to the dream.