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Um, this is a very long question. The first option.


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Q: Who should you sit next to if you have to choose between the guy you like but no one knows that you like and that you are supposed to think is annoying or the friend that the guy thinks you like?
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Is it annoying being with an annoying friend?

If the person is annoying to you she or he is but if not they are not annoying they are not annoying at all. personally i have experience sitting next to an annoying friend called Travers, Georgie

What do you do if someone wants to be your friend but they're very annoying?

You have the freedom to pick and choose your friends and the best way to handle this annoying person is to be nice and make an excuse as to why you cannot go out with them or be with them. If they do not take the hint then you are going to have to be blunt with them.

What to do if your friend is really annoying and you dont want to be her friend anymore but cant tell her or your friends or family?

If you really care for your friend, tell him/her that he/she is annoying and it is bad to be annoying, people will not talk to you. Continue to tell him/her that she/he is annoying you and if she/he continues to be like that you can't carry on with your friendship.

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Well it all depends on who your heart tells you to choose. If you love your boyfriend more then your friend then go for it! Choose him! But if you like your friend better and if you know she hasn't stabbed you in the back and won't stab you in the back in the future, choose your friend!

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no if their your true friend your not supposed to

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My friend is annoying?

just ignore them

Is Tim Langford an annoying but awesome friend?

Yes! OF COURSE HE'S ANNOYING! Hahahaha Tim. But you're still a cool friend! : )

How do you make a annoying friend go away?

If he/she is your friend then it's easy to say them that you are annoying me please go away right now if he/she is not your friend then ignoring is the best option.

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choose your boyfriend

How do you choose between your boyfriend and guy friend?

it ok be ur self

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She isn't really a "friend" now is she? You don't need to burn her. If she's so annoying tell her.