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Q: Who said failure to bring up a happy child falls on the parents shoulders?
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How does a child feel when parents bring in former marriage children?

it depends on the child.

Why does an adopted child not resemble the parents who bring him up?

The child is not genetically related to either parent.

What can Jehovah's witnesses do for a child that does not lissen?

When a child does not listen and their parents are Jehovah witnesses the parents will normally bring up a scripture from the bible that says to be obedient to their parents. But if the child believes the parents are being too strict the child can bring up Ephesians 6:4 Which i believe reads "and you fathers do not be irritating your children but keep on bringing them up in the name of Jehovah". Ephesians 6:4 tells parents not to expect perfection from your children but to accept the child's best.

Is it possible for a child to file a law suit against his father for not supporting him?

No. A child cannot file a lawsuit. It needs to be brought on his behalf by a legal guardian. However, child support is an issue between parents. It is not paid to the child. The mother should bring the suit.No. A child cannot file a lawsuit. It needs to be brought on his behalf by a legal guardian. However, child support is an issue between parents. It is not paid to the child. The mother should bring the suit.No. A child cannot file a lawsuit. It needs to be brought on his behalf by a legal guardian. However, child support is an issue between parents. It is not paid to the child. The mother should bring the suit.No. A child cannot file a lawsuit. It needs to be brought on his behalf by a legal guardian. However, child support is an issue between parents. It is not paid to the child. The mother should bring the suit.

What causes child soldier?

child soldiers is sometimes caused by children that have poor parents. Or they think that it will bring food and shelter to them. Also if they are orphans.

Can a grandparent sue for child support on behalf of daughter?

A grandparent with legal custody would have standing to request a child support order for support from the biological parents. If the grandparents have no legal standing they cannot bring an action for child support.A grandparent with legal custody would have standing to request a child support order for support from the biological parents. If the grandparents have no legal standing they cannot bring an action for child support.A grandparent with legal custody would have standing to request a child support order for support from the biological parents. If the grandparents have no legal standing they cannot bring an action for child support.A grandparent with legal custody would have standing to request a child support order for support from the biological parents. If the grandparents have no legal standing they cannot bring an action for child support.

Do parents subconsciously teach their children that failure is bad?

yes!By rewarding their children with material things when they excel and taking away something they like when they fail. Eventually the child learns that failure is bad.

If the mother receives welfare then why does the father of the child have to pay child support?

The answer is simple. The father must pay child support to reimburse the social agency that is supporting his child. It is not the responsibility of tax payer supported agencies to support the children of irresponsible parents. If you bring a child into the world you must support that child until adulthood.The answer is simple. The father must pay child support to reimburse the social agency that is supporting his child. It is not the responsibility of tax payer supported agencies to support the children of irresponsible parents. If you bring a child into the world you must support that child until adulthood.The answer is simple. The father must pay child support to reimburse the social agency that is supporting his child. It is not the responsibility of tax payer supported agencies to support the children of irresponsible parents. If you bring a child into the world you must support that child until adulthood.The answer is simple. The father must pay child support to reimburse the social agency that is supporting his child. It is not the responsibility of tax payer supported agencies to support the children of irresponsible parents. If you bring a child into the world you must support that child until adulthood.

What is the role of parents in the church?

The role of parents in Christianity is supposed to be to bring up your children as Christians. Going to church and getting your child Christened would be said to be a role of the parents too.

Is a child liable for a parents failure to file taxes?

No. A child cannot be held responsible for the actions of their parents.Exception to the rule: If the children are heirs of an estate (both parents are deceased) and taxes are outstanding, then the taxes must be paid out of the estate proceeds before the child(ren) could be awarded the residuals.

Does a child have to choose who they want to live with in front of their parents?

The Court orders the custody arrangement of minor children. If the child reaches at least 14, and a motion is made to bring the case to court, and the judge allows the child to choose, the child does not have to choose in front of the parents. The attorney(s) can ask the court that the parents be asked to step outside while the court and/or attorneys question the child.

What happens to the parents if your child will not go to juvenile court?

Not really enough information is given in the question with which to formulate an answer. How old is the child? Is the child physically resisting, with violence, the parent's efforts to bring him/her to court? Have the parents filed a "jauvenile out of control" petition with the court? There CAN be extenuating circumstances, but usually the juvenile is seen to be under the control of its parents/guardians.