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' lasts longer' Oscar Wilde

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Q: Who said 'Friendship is far more tragic than love'?
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How can you say this to your friend that you love her if i say that i love her he will just said i love you but only as a friend i dont want to destroy our friendship because of this. help please?

maybe you could say: i love you more than just a friend (if you do)

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Ask if he will go out with you. ^^

Is Cody linely and Julianne Hough going out?

No, they are not going out they said that they do love each other but in a friendship kind of way.

When true friend said that he only make loves to you?

Friendship should not end in making love. Friends are like back bones providing hope, care, love, and so on.

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How do i impress the new girl in middle school?

being a girl in middle school, i bet if you said "hi---- im -------do we have any classes together?" or "hey i hear your new if you want you can sit at my table during lunch" i bet she falls in love if you guys continue to talk you are almost gaurnteed a friendship and have a good chance of that friendship becoming more.

My friend rejected me and said he only wants to be friends but if I tell him I will have sex with him would he love me or would it ruin the friendship?

Your friend made themselves perfectly clear that they do not love you and only wants friendship and by offering sex you are taking your own self respect away and your friend will not respect you. Having sex with someone should only be an act of love by both people and not a bargaining chip. Say nothing or you may well lose the respect from your friend which will end the friendship.

Does Naruto fall in love at all?

From the start of the show, Naruto had been in love with Haruno Sakura. As Nagato said, pain forces you to grow up. People ordinarily don't fall in love until their much older, like around 20. Naruto lived a tragic life so he was kinda forced to grow up. I think he understands more than he lets on.

What needs to be said in a friendship poem?

In a friendship poem, one can say whatever they want about how they feel about their friend. As long as they are honest and truthful, it will be appreciated by said friend.

What do i say to a girl who don't love me?

If you're hanging out with her, try to make your friendship more meaningful and fun. Let her know you're always there for her when she needs you. Be a good friend. Tell her that she cant live without you and tell her why she cant. Such as saying i love you and deep down you love me too. I will kill myself if you arent sitting next to me when we grow old. If you are in trouble or need help i will be there. If you need me i will be there for you. I realy mean all of what I just said and I think you understand what I mean. I love you with all my heart and i will not let you go. And after you said all of that to her then she will start to cry give you a hug and say i am so sorry that i said that i didnt love you.

Does Kristen Stewart love Taylor lautner?

No,i mean,she looks at him like a brother but she said that she would never date him and who ever hates her because, they think that her and him have something more than friendship is crazy and she hopes that no one hates her and if they do she hopes that they forgive her and not hate her anymore.

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