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does slappy want 10 year olds as slaves

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Q: Who is the weird person who gives slappy to people?
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you know, this is pretty weird. oh well it is your momma and you slappy happy grandpappy.

Is it okay to wink at people or is it weird?

its weird because you probaly dont even no that person and hes winking at you

What weird food do french people eat?

"weird" depends on the point of view of the person. You'll have to be more specific.

What does weirdos mean?

One person who is considered weird is a weirdo. A Group of people considered weird are called weirdos.

Why do people ask such weird questions on wiki answer?

Because of a weird person named Jay Jeong who is totally weird, and thus he ask weird questions. You can find him in Pal pk

What opinions of Dracula would people have if he was a real person?

weird recluse

Why do people ask rhetorical questions on WikiAnswers?

People ask weird questions or rhetorical questions because it is fun just to see what the is. Just knowing weird facts gives people more fun in their lives.

Why do people call other people weird?

People call others weird because they are either A: not used to someone being different and are jealous that they can get out of the norm. Or B: Because the media has set a particular 'image' of the 'normal person' in the mind of the person calling another weird.

How come people are weird?

Everyone is weird in their own ways. You might consider someone as a weirdo while they think you are the weird one. It's life! If the person is different from you, they are weird. Act differently from who you normally are is also weird.

Why do weird people think they're not weird?

People may not see themselves as weird because they are likely to have a different perspective on their actions or behaviors. In their own experience, what they do may seem normal or rational, even if others perceive it as strange. Perception of weirdness is subjective and can vary greatly from person to person.

How would you describe a good weird person?

Here is a link to show you how to describe people. You already know what a good weird person is like, you just need confidence to trust that you do!

Why won't people just leave weird people alone?

because weird people tend to do things that are not socially normal and at times irritates people. it is a psychological effect that humans think of ways to get back on the person who irritates him/her. but we should also sympathise "weird" people and try to forgive them for their actions. hope my answer helps!