Your mother's mother is your maternal grandma and your father's mother is your paternal grandma.
The grandparents on the father's side of the family
Mormor/farmor. It depends if it´s your mothers mother or fathers mother. So mothers mother is mormor and fathers mother is farmor.There are two answers Farmor means Fathers Mother (grandmother on the fathers side) and Mormor means Mothers Mother (grandmother on the mothers side) so it depends on whom you are talking about.
A paternal niece is a niece on the fathers side. For example:my dad's sisters's daughter is my paternal niece
nah bru - let it go
maternal grandparents are your mothers parents therfore you must distinguish them from your paternal grandparents which are your fathers parents or things would get all mixed up. you would be saying your moms dad is your dads dad and things would get to seem like incest.
Barack Obama's maternal grandmother was Madelelyn Payne (she married Stanley Dunham and became Madelyn Payne Dunham). As for his paternal grandmother, that was Habiba Akumu, second wife of Hussein Onyango Obama. She gave birth to the future president's father, Barack Hussein Obama (Senior).
Jewish (from mothers side) and Italian (from fathers side)
If it is your mothers mother than its "Plastmormor", or "låtsasmormor", if its your fathers mother, than its "Plastfarmor", or "låtsasfarmor".
Armenian (Russian) ~ Fathers Side Italian ~ Mothers Side
There are two answers Farmor means Fathers Mother (grandmother on the fathers side) and Mormor means Mothers Mother (grandmother on the mothers side) so it depends on whom you are talking about.
He was German on his fathers side and Scotish-Irish on his mothers side.
She is of Persiain descent onher mothers side and Romaniain on her fathers side