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The United States Constitution in Article 1 Section 8, gives Congress the power to makes rules for naturalization. Congress can change the period of time a permanent resident must live in the United States before becoming a citizen.

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Q: Who has the power to increase the number of years immigrants have to live in the us before becoming citizens?
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Before becoming naturalized citizens immigrants are?

resident aliens.

What gave the president power to deport anyone and required that immigrants wait 14 years before becoming citizens?

Alien Act

What are immigrants before they become naturalized citizens?

They are resident aliens.

Should immigrants have to learn to speak English before entering the US?

No. United States does not have an official legal language.But there is a basic spoken English and literacy test for people becoming citizens though.If immigrants come to the United States with the intent of doing business and/or becoming citizens, they usually do take the time and make the effort to learn the English language. However, immigrants who enter and/or stay in the United States illegally and take advantage of our lack of law enforcement usually do not bother to learn the language.

What things did immigrants have to go through before they became American Citizens in the past?

Ellis island

What is the process of making non citizens into citizens?

Naturalization is the process of making noncitizens American citizens. Many immigrants wait years before they are able to become a citizen.

Why do you think New York City was considered the heart of America by many immigrants?

Because New York City was the first place in America that they saw and experienced. All immigrants into the United States landed first in New York City, and had to pass through Ellis Island, before becoming citizens.

Why it is important that immigrants learn and understand this nation's values and laws before becoming citizens?

It is important because they are trying to become American citizens and part of that is agreeing to the laws of this country and knowing the expectations of being a good citizen. They are doing this so that they are no longer immigrants, but citizens who have the same rights and expectations as any other citizen. I don't really think that learning "the nation's values" is important, considering that this country has no values that are legally required or appointed and I doubt that this is actually part of the process of becoming a citizen. What you may be saying here is the expectations of this person as an American, which is important because they will be under the same expectations as everyone else. Basically, the process of becoming a citizen is to help you know what others expect of you here and what is legal for you to do and for others to do to you.

What did the know-nothing party favor?

Because members wanted to extend the time needed before immigrants could become citizens.

Do illegal immigrants parents have to be naturalized before their children become citizens?

Children can be citizens on their own. For example- illegal alien gives birth in the U.S., the illegal mother is still illegal but the child would be a U.S. citizen.

What act said foreigners had to live in US 14 years before becoming citizens?

Alien And Sedition Acts

Immigrants coming to the us before 1860?

There were plenty of immigrants that came to the US before 1860. These immigrants were most often people from Europe looking for a better life.