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well, it depends what the situation is - if 2 friends like the same guy, u shld always pick your friends first and not go out with the guy if he likes u and doesnt like your friend. if he likes u both then do the same thing! that will make u feel weird.

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12y ago
  • Best friends ofcourse because there the ones who will stick by you through everything and a boyfriend could dump you tomorrow so if you need to choose between a best friend and a boyfriend choose your best friend (:
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Q: Who come first boyfriends or best friends?
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What matters more boyfriends or your friends?

Friends 100% They are always there but boyfriends come and go! :PHow this helpsSignedFoxxy Lady

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boyfriends/girlfriends come and go friends are always friends

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Yes, but don't let replace your real best friend. boy friends will come and go but your best friends will always be there for you. Your boyfriend can not really be your best friend at first. It takes many years of respect for each other before this can happen. When you first start having sex, the relationship is in a different stage. Years later it will happen.

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Nothing (except maybe pass on your approval).Boyfriends come and go. Best friends are forever.

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don't worry about it, someone is bound to come along. look for friends first

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well first he is single are you if so aproach the ex g/f ( your friend ) and ask her if it will cost you and her the friendship boys / girls are not worth a good friendship friends will always be there girland boyfriends come and go like the days and nights

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Make sure that she is okay with you liking her ex. Talk to her about it, but if she is not, respect her feelings. Don't hurt your friend, because if you are there for her she'll be there for you. Friends are forever, but boyfriends come and go.

What do you do when your best friends ex likes you and you like him back?

First, ask your friend if she still has feelings for him, if she asks why, say that you kinda like him. Tell her it's okay, and that if she still has feelings for him, that you won't go out with him. If you're really friends with her, you'll listen to this advice. The same thing happened to me last week with my best friend. Boyfriends come and go; liking a boy is not worth jeopardizing a good friendship.

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Horses are more loyal. Friends and boyfriends will come and go like seasons.

Which come first friend's or friends'?


What if your friends have boyfriends but you don't?

Its totally fine.... your time will come but its just not now. Dont act like your mad at her, that never turns out good.

Your best friend got pregnant with your boyfriend what shall you do?

Tell your best friend she is a slag, but stay friends with her because Friends come first but dump your cheating boyfriend unless he spends loads on you shallow but who cares Kelly Clarkson Rockz Tell your best friend she is a slag, but stay friends with her because Friends come first but dump your cheating boyfriend unless he spends loads on you shallow but who cares Kelly Clarkson Rockz Tell your best friend she is a slag, but stay friends with her because Friends come first but dump your cheating boyfriend unless he spends loads on you shallow but who cares Kelly Clarkson Rockz