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Q: Who are the young boys and girls who have shown courage and bravery?
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How did the five young girls show courage?

They acted in a responsible manner and made a hard decision.

Who is the bravest person ever?

It is difficult to determine the bravest person ever as bravery is subjective and can manifest in different ways. Some individuals known for their exceptional bravery include Malala Yousafzai, a young advocate for girls' education who survived a Taliban assassination attempt, and firefighters who risk their lives to save others in dangerous situations. Ultimately, bravery can be found in everyday acts of courage and resilience.

How does Tommy Show Bravery IN THE YOUNG WARRIORS BOOK?

In the "Young Warriors" book, Tommy shows bravery by standing up to a bully to protect his friend, even though he is scared. He also takes risks to protect his group and accomplish their goals, demonstrating his courage and willingness to put himself in danger for the greater good.

What are the characters in Call it Courage?

The main character in "Call It Courage" is Mafatu, a young Polynesian boy who overcomes his fears to prove his bravery. Other characters include his mother, Uri, his father, Tavana Nui, and various villagers on the island of Hikueru.

What is the genre of Parvana's Journey?

The book Parvana's Journey by Deborah Ellisif full of concepts like courage, perseverance, friendship, adventure, and many others. However, the main theme of this book in my opinion is courage. The main character, Parvana, must be brave in everything she does. It took courage to dress up as a boy when girls had their hands cut off for simply having nail polish on their fingers. It took courage to venture out on a journey ; a journey of danger. It took great bravery to save a young infant from rubble and save him from the Taliban. It took bravery to allow Asif, a young boy, to accompany her along her journey. It took courage for Parvana to be such a great leader and make Hassan and Asif to feel safe. It took courage to steal eggs so that there would be food to eat. It took courage for Parvana to believe that some day, in time, she would find her mother and family. Everyone knows that wasn't guaranteed. Although there are many prevalent themes within this text, courage makes its way into the plot of the story throughout the whole book. There is the Main Theme.

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What does the yiddish name Leybl mean?

The Yiddish name Leybl is a variant of the name Aryeh, which translates to "lion" in Hebrew. It is a strong and powerful name, symbolizing bravery and courage.

What are the release dates for Young Deer's Bravery - 1909?

Young Deer's Bravery - 1909 was released on: USA: 5 November 1909 USA: 2004 (Cinecon Film Festival)

Who are the young girls at the start of saving private Ryan?

Though it was not stated, the young girls with Retired Private Ryan and Ryan's wife in the opening scene were their grandchildren. His child with the spouse and their young girls were shown as detail to answer the question, "have I lived a good life", good, meaning moral and upstanding, enough to warrant Captain Miller's sacrifice.

What is the main idea in the book Number the Stars?

The main idea of the book "Number the Stars" by Lois Lowry is about friendship, bravery, and resistance during the Holocaust. It highlights the courage of individuals who risked their lives to help others, particularly focusing on the friendship between two young girls, Annemarie and Ellen, as they navigate the dangerous reality of Nazi-occupied Denmark.

What is the main idea of the story a brave girl by James jononnot?

The main idea of "A Brave Girl" by James Jononnot is about a young girl who overcomes her fears and challenges to demonstrate courage and bravery in a difficult situation. It highlights themes of resilience, inner strength, and empowerment.