Meaghan Jette Martin is the full name.
Meaghan is my cousin and here is her real msn please dont call her a poser because she isent and i know that because im her cousin so if your going to add her to tell her she is a poser dont do it cause she is real
Ricky Martin and his parents are from Puerto Rico.
Henry and Edith Martin
Roughly about 7 and a half to eight id say
Meaghan Yates's birth name is Meaghan Elizabeth Yates.
Meaghan Martin's birth name is Meaghan Jette Martin.
Meaghan Fluitt's birth name is Meaghan Bloom Fluitt.
His father worked as a paster by Sandra and jazmine
ricky martin's parents are his mother Nereida and his father Enrique Martin Negroni