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You can have first cousins on both your mother's side of your family and your father's side of the family. Your first cousin is any child of one of your parent's brothers or sisters.

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11mo ago

Your first cousin is the child of your aunt or uncle, meaning they are on the same side of your family as your parent.

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Who is your first cousin's first cousin to you from their other side of their family?

Your cousin's cousin is no relation to you.

What is a maternal first cousin?

A maternal first cousin is a first cousin on your mother's side. A cousin on your father's side is called a paternal first cousin. The words are from the Latin names for mother and father--mater and pater. A maternal first cousin is the child of your mother's brother or sister.

Am i related to my cousin s cousin from her mom side?

Your mother's first cousin in your first cousin, once removed. Her second cousin is your second cousin, once removed.Your mother's first cousin, once removed could be your first cousin twice removed or your second cousin, depending on the relative positions of your mother and the cousin in their family tree,Your first cousin once removed.

What is your mother's first cousin to you?

The first cousin of your first cousin could be yourself, your siblings , or you other first cousins on the same side of your family. However, the first cousin of your first cousin could also be unrelated to you!

How is your child related to your first cousin's grandchild?

Assuming both children are on the same side of the family, your child's first cousin is a second cousin to your first cousin's child. Your child is also a second cousin to your first cousin's child. Your child can have first cousins who are not related to your first cousin and thus not related to your first cousin's child.

Was Einstein married?

Yes, Albert Einstein's second wife, Elsa Lowenthal, was his first cousin on his mother's side. Lowenthal also happened to be his second cousin on his father's side

How is your first cousin's child related to you?

Your first cousin's child is your first cousin once removed. Your children and that child will be second cousins to each other. This poster above is incorrect. If you have the same grandparents as someone on either side, they are your first cousins. Your first cousins once removed would be if your great-grandparents were someone else's grandparents. Your second cousins are if you have the same great grandparents as someone. etc.

What do you call your first cousin once removed's child?

The child of your first cousin, once removed, is your first cousin, twice removed, if your first cousin once removed is the child of your first cousin. If your first cousin once removed in the first cousin of one of your parents, the child is your second cousin.

What is your first cousin once removed to your child?

If your first cousin once removed is your parent's first cousin, then your first cousin once removed is your child's first cousin twice removed.If your first cousin once removed is the child of your first cousin, then your first cousin once removed is your child's second cousin.

What if someone's grandma is my cousin are we related?

Your first cousin's grandchild is your first cousin, twice removed. Your second cousin's grandchild is your second cousins, twice removed. Your third cousin's grandchild is your third cousin, twice removed.

Who is the aunt of your first cousin's child?

The aunt of your first cousin's child is your first cousin's sister, who is also your first cousin.

What is someones dad's cousin to that person?

She would be your second cousin.Your father's first cousin is your first cousin, once removed.The daughter of your father's first cousin is your second cousin.The daughter of your father's first cousin is your father'sfirst cousin once removed and your second cousin. Second cousins are people who have a common great grandparent. First cousins are people who have a common grandparent. Cousin relationships between people of different generations are determined with reference to the cousin who is closest to the common ancestor, and by the number of generations between the two cousins.