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The cartilage that is most springy and flexible is the elastic type. Other types of cartilage include hyaline (most abundant type) and fibrocartilage.

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Q: Which cartilage is most springy and flexible?
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What type of cartilage is most springy and flexible?


What type of cartilage is the most springy?

Elastic cartilage is the most 'springy' its not very common in the human body except the ears.

What is a synonym for elastic?

flexible, springy, stretchy, plastic

What cartilage is the most flexible?

Elastic cartilage is the most flexible type of cartilage due to its higher amount of elastic fibers compared to other types. It is found in parts of the body that need to maintain shape while also being able to bend and stretch, such as the ears and the epiglottis.

Is flexible a true of cartilage?

It is flexible

What flexible connective tissue that makes up our nose and ears?

Cartilage is the tissue that makes the tip of your nose flexible

What is the single most outstanding physical difference between bone and cartilage?

The hardness. Bone is stiff and inflexible and cartilage is flexible. Your ears and tip of your nose are made of cartilage.

Are swans flexible?

Yes indeed swans are one of the most flexible animals known to man and scientist!! They are completely made of cartilage!

Is cartilage less flexible than bone?

No, it is not. Bone is strong but it doesn't bend easily. Cartilage is more flexible.

Why is there cartilage in ligaments?

Ligaments are present in the joints of the bones.As joints ought to show free movement the substance by which they are made of should be flexible and ellastic. Bones are not elastic and flexible but cartilage is elastic and flexible..hence cartilage is present in ligaments. Ligaments are present in the joints of the bones.As joints ought to show free movement the substance by which they are made of should be flexible and ellastic. Bones are not elastic and flexible but cartilage is elastic and flexible..hence cartilage is present in ligaments.

Cartilage stands for?

Cartilage is a flexible tissue in the bod. The tip of the nose and ear lobe are cartilage.

What is an antonym for cartilage?

The opposite of Cartilage Are Ligaments because the cartilage is more flexible than bone.