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yeah, call 903-5280

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Q: Where do babies go after birth if their mom doesn't want them or can't take care of them and is there a place you can go and volunteer with these babies?
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What provides a place for babies to grow before birth?

Your uterus...

What is a birthrate?

A place's birth rate is the average number of babies born in that place each year.

Why do salmon try to return to their birth place?

Because that is where they are most comfortable spawning the next generation.

Your cat had her 2 babies on your bed about 8 hrs ago and 2 more about 2 hrs later when can you move them?

The mother will move them herself , when she is finished giving birth she will take them in to a safer place. If mama kitty doesn't move them you can create a safe place for the babies, such as a large box with an old blanket, move babies first and show mama where they are, try having her follow you. If she doesn't want to go with you, take the box to the kitties, place the babies in it and then move the box to a safe place.

How do invertebrates have babies?

Amphibians have babies by looking for a good place to have there babies

How old do you have to be to get a volunteer job?

It really depends on the place.

How cani be an extra on Wizards of Waverly Place?

volunteer in Brooklyn

What is the word for a place where babies are minded?

A place where babies are minded is usually called a nursery or a creche.

Does a market have to be in one place?

no, it doesnt have to be on one place

How Do Female Giraffes have Babies?

they come to the same place every tome they have birth and the stand while havind birh so the baby just comes out and when it comes out it does not breathe

What is a place for babies?

A nursery

What is a student volunteer and how to become one?

A student volunteer is a non-paying job that students can have, working for free basically. Lots of places offer volunteer programs, all you'd have to get her to do is contact the place she'd like to volunteer at and they should give all the info.