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No. It is against child labor laws,and it could put the thirteen year old in to much presure because then he/she could go suiside for to much presure so no.It is not alegal for a thirteen year old to work

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Q: Where can a 13-year-old work and get paid?
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No, it isn't. You could say: I have not gotten paid. [I did some work already, and the person I did it for needs to pay me.] or, I didn't get paid for that work. or, I haven't been paid yet. or, I need to be paid for the work I did. or, You need to pay me for the work I did for you.

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Can a mother get in trouble by leaveing a 13yearold alone babysitting?

NO! A normal babysitting age IS anywhere from 10-13. I mean starting out babysitter, especially if they are babysitting their own siblings.

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friends yes...but if you are talking about a adult......most likely not....unless she feels really comfortable with this person.

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"He and you were paid fifteen dollars for your work"

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