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that is so last season

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Q: Where are these form of marriage practiced?
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What radical New York commune practiced complex marriage and eugenic birth control?

The Oneida Community practiced complex marriage and eugenics.

What is the simple past form of practice?

The simple past form of "practice" is "practiced."

What do Anthropologists consider marriage to be what kind of trait because it is practiced in all societies?

Marriage is a universal, not a trait.

What is mut'ah marriage?

Mu'tah is temporary marriage practiced by shittes .It is the same as prostitution or Zina (adultery ).It is Haraam ( prohibited) in Islam.

What religions did knights and samurai practice?

Samurai practiced ancient shintoism.They also practiced a form of Buddhism knownas Zen.

The colonist in Massachusetts practiced a form of democracy first practiced in?

This was first practiced by the Pilgrims in the 1620's.

Why is sex outside marriage is commonly practiced in christian societies although not allowed per religion?

Actually -- sex outside of marriage is NOT practiced among 'genuine' Christians.For example: Among Jehovah's Witnesses, anyone who practices sex before marriage, or sex outside of marriage, or adultery; is a disfellowshipping offense. We actually PRACTICE disfellowshipping.Sex outside marriage -- is only practiced among 'psuedo' Christians; 'self-proclaimed' Christians; by people who 'call themselves' Christian. Therefore it gives a warped view of what genuine Christianity is all about.

A marriage ritual practiced for many slave weddings on plantations was called what?

jump the Broom

How many wife's can Quakers man marriage?

To my knowledge, Quakers have never practiced polygamy.

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What is the form of Christianity based on greek heritage practiced in the byzantine empire?

The form of Christianity based on Greek heritage practiced in the Byzantine Empire is Eastern Orthodox.