that he is over you and is happy with his new girlfriend It means he likes her.....
You need a boyfriend in life.
It is always your privilege to like somebody you want to like, but it doesn't mean your friend can control you to get a boyfriend... Does she have a boyfriend herself???
The previous boyfriend/girlfriend that they had before, that theyve broken up with
it mean if my boyfriend doesnt hold the hand actually it means only bestfriends
He's keeping his options open.
my boyfriend/fiance's ex-girlfriends/fiancees
it means she forgot and i have done that before it really doesnt mean nothing she just forgot!
You can't control him. She can speak with him, or she can make any continued contact with him be on her terms.
That's possible. But there's a chance that he's friend with her boyfriend. If he isn't his friend, there's a possibility that the boyfriend still has feelings for the ex girlfriend and is being nosey about her new relationship
He wants to have sex!
He like/has a crush on you