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Q: When you see someone no one else can?
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Why would a man that you love keep asking you if you are going to see someone else or make love with someone else?

maybe he is the one that is seeing or sleeping with someone else. I think you should be asking him those same questions.

Why do you love some one who is going out with someone else?

People love someone that is going out with someone else because the heart wants what the heart can't have. People also don't know what they want until they see it for them self.

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What is the defintion of mudslinging?

Think of someone literally slinging mud at someone else -- it gives the impression that someone is trying to make someone else look dirty. You usually see this used as a political term, meaning that one candidate is trying to make the other one look bad by accusing them of something.

What can you do if you see someone else being bullied?

well, when u see someone else being bullied the most commen thing people do is say whatever someone else will take care of it, but really no one else will take care of it. One person might be one, but a hero one can be. You may only be one person and you may only be getting yourself into it but at least u will know and god will know that you are a good person. If the fight is extremly extremly serios than dont get yorself into it, tell someone u know can help and that you cantrust them. Trust me this advice will work

Can someone claim somthing that they put on the curb and someone else grabs it?

Yes, If No One Saw It... Monkey Hear, Monkey See, Monkey Do.. Stay Safe

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Standing in someone else's shoes means to put yourself in someone else's situation, to see what they're going through, to feel what they're feeling.

What does Carbon normally combine with?

It combines with Hydrogen and one other thing, but I don't know what it is. See if someone else answers that. ;)

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Bang em and see if they like it

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