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Individuals should be truly loved before they are desired.

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Q: When somebody says first deserve than desire what does it means?
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What is meant by the proverb first deserve and then desire?

The proverb means that before someone pursues something, they should first work to be worthy of it. In the pursuit of becoming worthy, the seeker might find that they no longer desire it.

What is deserve before you desire?

"Deserve before you desire" means that one should focus on earning or proving themselves worthy of something before wanting or seeking it. It suggests that one should prioritize putting in effort and meeting expectations before expecting rewards or fulfilment.

What does desire for status mean?

Reading you question it means what it says - the person concerned has a desire for status - ie. that they want to be important, be the boss, have money or whatever they believe it will take to make them a 'somebody'.

First deserve then desire?

This phrase suggests that it is important to earn or merit something before wanting or expecting it. It emphasizes the value of hard work, perseverance, and achievement before pursuing one's goals or wishes. By focusing on deserving something first, individuals can ensure they are prepared and ready for what they desire.

Your boyfriend constantly criticizes you calls you a frump undermines you does that mean he does not love you?

That means he does not respect you ,or love you because someone who loved you would not treat you like that and you deserve way better.Dump this guy, why are you with somebody like that?

Does anyone seriously know what aveo means?

With the use of a Classic Latin Dictionary (Calonghi's Latin Dictionary), "Aveo" is a verb and one such meaning is:'...To strongly desire, to crave something or somebody...'

What means To box somebody into a corner?

box somebody into a corner

What is the meaning of to get off somebody's back?

It means to stop criticizing somebody.

What is the maening of crush?

Crush.. first of all, is different from LOVE. Crush is just an infatuation. Crush is when you admire somebody for one of his/her characters. Crush just means you `like` , not `love` somebody.

What do murders deserve?

Many people believe that some murders deserve capitol punishment, which means the death penalty. Others believe that they deserve life in prison. I, personally, believe that in certain cases, they deserve the death sentence.

What does it mean to desire something?

It means to be obsessed with something.

How do you love somebody?

Well First Of All When You See Someone That You Like You Have A Crush And At Times You Blush And When You Do It Means You Love Someone