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I tried to get pregnant for nearly three years, because we were missing the mark. It turned out, I was ovulating around Day 21 of my cycle. Yes, as late as Day 21 counting days from Day 1 being the first day of my period. My children proved this over twice for me. We were trying around Day 14 and we had stopped trying past Day 18. This was a mistake, and caused us to have failed attempts over and over again. The key for me was monitoring my cervical mucus. You can put some on two fingers and see if you can get a string of it to stretch between the two fingers. If you see any sort of sticking accross your fingers, it may be an ideal time. I also find that once I begin to feel breast tenderness, I think it is a sign that ovulation has already occurred, and my period is on its way. I feel a good time frame to try for pregnancy is having sex every other day from Day 10 all the way to Day 25. Just to make sure you cover all possible ovulation times. Sex every day around Day 16-Day 20 is also highly recommended by me. This is what finally worked for us. Chances are, if you are having trouble, you are not ovulated at the standard 14 day mark and it could be happening slightly sooner or later. Ovulation kits did not work for me. They falsely told me that I was ovulating at Day 14. When I got pregnant with my daughter, we counted back from the ultrasound to when implantation occurred and it was at Day 25. So the doctor suggested that I had ovulated around Day 21. When we were trying to get pregnant with my son, we tried right at day 21 and got pregnant first try. Hope this helps!

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