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Unable to determine what the question is. A "legal father in absentia" is not a legal term with which I am familiar.

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Q: When is a person declared legally dad in absentia?
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Can you have relations with your dad?

not legally...

Can a son who is 16 and is living with dad legally move with his mom without Dad's consent?

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Im 12 years old I live in tx with my dad can I legally go live with my brother if my dad wont let me?

No you can't. Your parents are in charge of you until you are 18. Some states will let a person decide where they want to live at 16, but not all of them.

Is a dad really a dad?

A dad is a person that hates you so much and is not even close to a person to a dad. The key term dad means hatred and wants to hurt you

Can your kids get taken away if the dad comes home from jail?

Depends on what he has been in for and if he is declared as a unfit parent or not.

Can your dad buy a shotgun for you if you are under 18?

He can buy a shotgun, but, it is legally his until you turn 18

Is it proper to say I and my dad or my dad and I?

Put the other person first.

Is Dad a proper noun?

It depends on how you are using the word "dad". If you are saying something like, "On Saturday, my dad took me to the zoo" then you are using "dad"" as a common noun You are talking about your relationship to the person who took you to the zoo, not using the person's name. If you are saying, "On Saturday, Dad took me to the zoo" then you are using "dad" as a proper noun. You are using the name of the person who took you to the zoo, in this instance, not talking about your relationship to that person.

Who is the most person you know?

my dad

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my dad

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My dad.

If a 18 year young adult moves with dad can dad file for custody?

The 18 year old is considered an adult. Nobody can have physical or legal custody of her.