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well if you threw up and if you dont have your period then you are pregnant #2 answ: Some women can FEEL it immediately. Some women never FEEL it. Just depends on how in tune with your body you are.

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Q: When do you start to feel that your pregnant?
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2 weeks pregnant can feel vomit?

Yes; if you are pregnant, should start to begin feeling symptoms.

Can thinking about pregnancy make you feel pregnant?

probably, because if you think about you would get paranoid and start thinking that you are or you would just feel like you are. some people do feel like that but as soon a they start thinkin like that they end up being pregnant or starting their period

How will i know if i am 2 weeks pregnant?

You will start to feel pains in your stomach if you dont start feeling pains you should go to a specialist.

What does it first trimester pregnancy feel like?

No different than when you are not pregnant. You may start to feel something at around 12-13 weeks.

Signs og being pregnant?

You start to feel sick, headaches.. I'll answer more later♥

When pregnant when does your stomach get hard?

When you start to show!! it wont be jiggly eather!! it starts to feel like muscile!!!!

If think could be pregnant but due to start pill after 7 day break should you?

Should not do any harm, but you should check with a doctor if you feel you are pregnant.

What do you feel when 1-3 weeks pregnant?

When your 1 to 3 weeks pregnant you may or may not feel anything. You just may feel sleepy or nauseated. Some people do not feel anything at all. Cravings may start till the 2nd month. Nausea and sleepiness starts right away.

What do you feel like when you are pregnant but dont know you are pregnant.?

The same as you always feel.

When pregnant can you feel the baby move at 12 weeks?

Most women start to feel the baby move around 13 to 16 weeks of pregnancy. If a person is very thin, they may feel it before.

Can you be pregnant if you feel like you are going to start your period No protection all month and we are wanting to conceive. Sex atleast 4 times a week. I start my Pms on the 2nd could I be preg.?

No, you can't be pregnant. Sorry. yes you can not great chances but you can

Can you still have an oragism if your pregnant?

Oh absolutely. In fact, being pregnant often makes them more intense. What's kind of freaky is that when you get to the point you feel the baby move, the baby will start moving a lot when you have an orgasm. It doesn't hurt them, but it can feel a little freaky to you.