If members of a family like each other, and are helpful to each other, that is a healthy family. If the members of the family enjoy success in their lives, whether financial success or any other type, that contributes to the strength of the family. People who are doing well and helping each other to do well, form a strong healthy family.
I Wouldn't Say There Healthy, Because Of The Sugar They Have. But Hey Im Not Sure.
Say that you take care of peoples teeth to make sure they are strong, clean and healthy!
bones can be strong and healthy !!!!!!!!!!
That is up to the healthy spouse and family to decide.That is up to the healthy spouse and family to decide.That is up to the healthy spouse and family to decide.That is up to the healthy spouse and family to decide.
A healthy family eats mostly fruits and vegetables, exercises regularly, and is emotionally healthy.
To make your heart healthy and strong you do some aerobics. This includes running, swimming, and yoga. Also you need to eat healthy.
They mostly emphasized in a healthy and strong body, because they believed that the mind had to "live" in a healthy body to be healthy and strong itself.
the answer is very strong
don't say lies to each other
To get fit,thin,healthy and strong
je suis reconnaissant pour une famille en bonne santé it translates to: i am grateful for a family in good health (:
Sojourner truth was strong and healthy as a bull.