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when she is an adult/ and or 18-21yrs. of age

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Q: When do most strict religious parents let their daughter go to parties?
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What age do most strict religious parents let their daughter go to parties?

I'm guessing that you're talking about high school parties. I've never known any strict religious parents to let their son or daughter go to parties; if they do, then they're obviously not that strict. Because of that, many teenagers sneak out; basically the ones who are in demand or under peer pressure.

When do parents becume strict?

well parents becume strict when the teen/children becume iresponsabile or dont listen

Are Korean parents very strict with education?

Yes all Koreans parents are very strict with education.

What is a religious person who lives a strict religious life separate from others?


What is a strict religious order?

The Cistercians or Trappists are quite strict in their dedication to the cloistered monastic lifestyle.

Were Tutankhamen parents strict?

Was king Tut a strict & cruel man? yes

Why did Greece not have a strict religious code?

It wasn't needed

What if you have strict parents and a boy wants to go out with you?

Tell the truth. You can say: "I wish I could, but my extremely strict parents don't allow dating."

Are teachers more likely to be strict as parents?

Yes, if the teacher is already a strict parent.

Did Vincent van Gogh have strict parents?

His father seems to have been very strict.

Are parents that are not strict bad parents?

Not necessarily. Parents have to set limits and some parents don't do enough of that.

Are all Koreans parents very strict with education?

Many Koreans are strict with education... BUT not all...