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Children can go into foster care for many reasons. It is a difficult decision to make and is not done lightly. Usually the court will order that a child goes into foster care. But in cases where there is an immediate danger to the child, the authorities can remove the child from the source of danger before asking the courts to consider foster care.

Generally the court will rule that a child should go into foster care because the parents are unfit to look after the child.

  • The parents are drug addicts
  • The parents are alcoholics
  • The parents are repeat criminals who are always in and out of police custody
  • Either of the parents is a registered sex offender
  • The parents are too young
  • The parents allow a sex offender into their home
  • The parents are known to associate with dangerous criminals or have them in their home
  • The parents allow people to take drugs in their home
  • The parents are abusive to the child
  • Either of the parents has been arrested multiple times for domestic abuse, especially while the child was present
  • One parent who is a victim of domestic abuse refuses to press charges against the abuser or end the relationship, putting the child at risk
  • The parents leave underage children home alone
  • The children are not properly fed, clothed or accommodated

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9y ago

Children go into foster care if the courts decide that their parents/gardions are not fit to care for the child/children.

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Where do they go if awarded to the state?

Children go into a foster care home. These are homes that have been approved by the state to take care of children for long term care or temporary care.

What was the gender of the children in foster care?

Both boys and girls are in foster care.

How many children are in foster care in the state of Georgia?

As of 2011, there were 8020 children in foster care in the state of GA. Of these, only 1,389 children were adopted.

What is the definition for foster care?

Foster care is supervised care for delinquent or neglected children usually in an institution or substitute home.

Is there a rule in foster care about foster children not being able to date?

No this is up to the foster parents to decide.

Can you put the word foster in a sentence?

"My husband and I foster children.""They took care of a foster child.""As a child, she had a foster brother."

Who is put into foster care?

Children who are orphaned to children that need protecting

Can you go to an orphanage instead of foster care?

In the US, orphanage is an obsolete term, and instead children in the care of the state are cared for in either foster homes or group homes; in both cases, you are in foster care. In general, the preference of the system is to put children in care into foster homes instead of group homes whenever possible. If you really wish to reside in a group home instead of a foster home, you should talk to your case worker, therapist and/or Guardian at Litem (or Attourney At Litem)

Why is foster care so important?

Foster care enables the state to remove children from poor living conditions. Most children in foster care are victims of physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, etc. Placing a child in foster care gives the child a safe place to go until the parents either get the help they need to get their kids back or until the parents rights can be terminated and the kids adopted.

What has the author Synia Yam-Wong written?

Synia Yam-Wong has written: 'Characteristics of children in New York City's foster care system' -- subject(s): Foster children, Foster home care

Do I have to go to college or can I go to work if I am in foster care?

You can go to college or go to work after you finish high school if you are in foster care. The choice is up to you!

Foster care income?

If you spend the money on the children in foster care, there is no income. It is meant to be spent like child support...... on the kids. If you get into foster care for the money then you are doing it for all the wrong reasons.