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Yes babies can be called twins. Also when they grow up they"ll still be called twins.

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What are 9 twins called?

A set of twins (2 babies) is called twins. Seven sets would still be twins. 7 babies born together (not twins) would be called septuplets.

What do you call three children born at the same time?

when two babies are born at the same time are callled twins!

What are sextuplits?

Sextuplits are when a mother has 6 babies. Like when you have twins, they're called twins.

What are two babies born at the same time called?

They are called twins.

What is 2 lots of twins called?

four babies born at once is called quadruplets.

What are seven babies born at the same time with the same mother called?

Twins Also, they are called identical twins if they come from the same egg

What is it called when you have two babies in the same year with different birthdays?

It is called a "Irish Twins" when siblings are born within the same calendar year but have different birthdays.

Why wont the babies look the same if identical twins have babies with identical twins?

Because the mother identical twins each have a different husband . . . half of his characteristics show up in their babies.

If there were two babies one was born at 1159PM and the other was born at 1201AM would they still be called twins?

YES! The term twins refers to how the baby developes, not when, or the day, that the baby is born. For example, if there are two babies within the womb (fraternal or not) at the same time, they will be twins.

What are 5 babies called when born at once?

Twins = 2 babies Triplets =3 babies Quadruplets =4 babies Quintuplets = 5 babies Sextuplets = 6 babies Septuplets = 7 babies Octuplets = 8 babies Nonuplets = 9 babies Decuplets (10)

What do U call 4 twins?

Four babies born at once are quadruplets.

If four babies are quadruplets what are eight babies called?

Octuplets (octo means 8) Others- 2 babies=twins 3 babies=triplets 4 babies=quadruplets 5 babies=quints 6 babies=sextuplets 7 babies =septuplets 8 babies =Octuplets