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Yes, a relationship is wonderful! To be connected to another human being seems to create ultimate contentment. But beware of infringing on an individual's personal life, directing his behavior and hovering over them all the time. You may cause what is usually referred to as the condition of "Fencing me in!" Yes, mutuality and intimacy is wonderful and makes for a great relationship. But individuality is also an important ingrediant to the human psyche. Read a book, join a club, find your own friends and divide your life between being with him and spending time in your own world. Read Meyer's "Marriages, Shack-ups and Other Disasters" or Beattie's "Choices: Taking Control of Your Life and Making it Better."

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Maybe he feels as if you are suffocating him and he needs his own space. Maybe you are too clingey? Let him have his space and if it's meant to be, he will come back.

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Q: When a man wants time and space what does it mean?
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What does it mean when a man wants a baby with you?

It means that the man is interested in you. He wants to have sexual intercourse with you.

When he says he loves you and buys you gifts from Tiffany's but tells you he needs space does that mean he is cheating?

more than likely hes chaeting on you. hes just trying to buy your love and buy himself time away from you. he wants you around so he buys you things, but he says he needs space b/c he wants to go out and do whatever he wants. he wants his cake and he wants to eat it too. don't let him he is just wasteing your time. your too good for games! Yep. He is cheating on you. That's not a "gift" its a "bribe". Not always... most probably he is not cheating. A man just like a woman, needs space. If you are always too close to him, he will revolt or make excuses or find ways to stay away from you. A man needs spare time where he can be with his friends or think about something (sometimes issues). Give him enough space and he will always be (happily) with you.

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It means he's confused and he wants you to be too.

What does it mean when a man acts unavailable but when you request time he makes time for you?

He likes you a lot. He wants you to think he is busy. He thinks that's attractive

What does it mean if a single Woman tells a man she wants to have his baby?

she wants you to get her pregnant

What does it mean when a man tells another man he wants his woman?

It can mean he wants to be with her in a relationship, or that he wants to have sexual intercourse with her, even if only once. Also, telling the man outright that he wants her is him either stating he won't hide his intentions, him commanding him to hand her over, or possibly both.

What do you do if a man says he does not know what he wants and says he wants some space?

honestllly, your cramping his styllle. and he wants to be with his friends mmore. yeah.. give him space, more than enough space but make him regret he told you that. make him "want you."

What does it mean when a woman says she wants a man?

she wants to date him, hu with him, or just have sex.

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he wants you to listen?

How do you deal with introvert man?

Don't push him, just give him space, if he wants you he will come to you.

What does it mean a man only make love when he wants to?

It doesn't mean anything, it's just the nature of man.

What does it mean when a newly divorced man wants to just hang out?

It means he wants to just hang out