it means that thay like yhuu !!
Something like "Who are you" can be asking a name or such.
Because thay are prowd of having a boy/girl friend.
the kind that you wear no i mean like did thay were fethers and were on there hat what
Its becaus they are lesbians and are gross. Thay should just settle for kissing a boy instead.
Thay appears identical to other Daleks.
he don't have one some body just looks like Jesse in the pic and thay say its a reall pic thay can say any thing on any site to make people believe
Thay get. Naked. And. Pee
She is either hiding that she likes someone, or doesn't TRULY like someone at the moment.
Because they are having mood swings and thay don't know if like like you yet.
it's in persian and mean : what thay say