hey my name is joe and the answer 2 this is no. but blood will come out
Dude all cherry coke does is cause diabetes in children and headaches in adults. It's not gonna help a plant grow.
It means that you need to find a boyfriend who really cares about you because he surely does not.
You can call them "dude" because that for girls and guys!
Girls's tastes differ depending on the person dude.
cuz we rule, dude
Because they were born that way, get over it dude! Girls rule boys drool!
Ty blue is a cool dude and he gets girls very easy you go dude
no cuz if it wuz their would b a dude on the back saying dude
Dude, I totally love you back, for real.
its a problem guys have. they will get mad or be happy for no good reasons. its like pms for a dude. just gotta go with the flow.