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When a child say this depends on the way you act on them from my experience if the child is a little kid they say that when there mad at you but they don't mean. Later on they will go back to you and say sorry or just stay quite.But if it is a teen than they might mean it for real and not talk for you for days or week and might plan to run away. Take good eyes on your kids or teen .

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Q: When a child says I don't love you anymore?
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He might want this child not to come from a broken family. Just ask him how he really feels about you. If he says he is just staying for the child cut him loose,let him pay child support and see his daughter. This might be a fear he has or he may really love you. Just ask him like I suggested.

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The truth is, you don't know for sure. However, anyone who "freaks out" when someone says "I Love You" is still a child and should be treated as such.

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It means that he isn't really sure anymore. Or he is indecisive.

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It could be, or maybe he doesn't love you anymore.

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If you ask your love partner if the two of you are still in a relationship, and he says he does not know, then you are not together anymore.

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He knows he did the wrong thing and wants you back.

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Ask them why the fell in love with you in the first place, and be more of that person. communicate. And remind them of for better or worse.