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If you can find someone to do that, all fine and good. But if you cannot let him know as well. It should not be problem

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Q: When a boyfriend asks you to find someone to lend him money?
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I think the best way to say no when someone asks you out is: . Sorry, i am already seeing someone at the moment. . I am not looking for a boyfriend/girlfriend at the moment. . If they ask for your number give them a fake number or pretend you've forgetten it. . I am not ready for a bofriend/girlfriend this young (only works if your young) . Or simply, I'm not interested in you! I hope you find this information useful, Yours sincerley, SLK1008

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It's time to find another boyfriend.

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get a lot of money and live like a king and get more and more money and buy world There is no perfect! There is entirely to much out in the world to be concern about being what someone else wants you to be. Be yourself and if they don't like it, you can find someone better elsewhere.

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Sometimes it's hard to find someone you really and truly connect with, but you'll find someone someday. :)

What should you do if you have a boyfriend but he says he doesn't like you?

When your boyfriend does that tell him so what I'll find someone else, we weren't ment to be. Just breakup! No one will get mad at you you'll find someone else.

What does it mean when your boyfriend asks why you like him so much?

It means... that 1)he wants to find out what you see in him, and 2) he's searching for a compliment. :)

What do you do when your boyfriend leaves you and you really love him?

Get over it and find someone else.