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Your cousin's children will be your cousins, once removed.

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Q: What would your cousin's kids be?
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What is your relation to your cousins daughter?

I think the kids would be second cousins

How is your second cousins kid related to your kids?

They would be third cousins.

What relation is your son to your cousins daughter?

I think the kids would be second cousins

What relation are my kids to my brother's kids?

They are cousins.

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Are your great uncles kides great cousin to you?

No they would be your second cousins. Those kids are your parents cousins. So they would be your second.

What are your first cousins kids to your kids?

If two people are first cousins, the children of one are second cousins to the children of the other.

What relationship is your great uncles cousins granddaughter?

That person would be either me or my sister...if the cousin of me great uncle was my great grandfather. If the cousin was another of my great uncles, then the person would be my cousin. Example 1: My dad has a brother who is my uncle. That uncle has a father who is my great uncle. If his father or mother had sisters or brothers who had kids, these kids would be cousins to this great uncle. one of them could be my grandfather. so my grandfather's granddaughter would be me if I am a girl or my sister if I am a boy. Example 2: In any level of the family tree there can be cousins...children of my uncle or aunt. when they have kids they are second cousins...children of first cousins. If these second cousins have kids, they all are third cousins. So since my great uncle had a cousin which was 2 generations above me...the next generation would be second cousins and the third generation would be third cousins. If my grandfather was not the cousin in question, then the cousin would be someone else on the same generation level, 2 levels above me and the granddaughter would be on my level and therefore my third cousin.

How am I related to my grandfathers wife's neice?

She would be your aunt. The neice's kids will be your second cousins.

What is your daughters kids to your sons kids?

Cousins of course!

Who are my kids to my niece's kids?

Second Cousins once removed.

What is your dads cousins kids in relation to you?

Your father has a cousin so they are first cousins, meaning that your grandpa, and the other guy's grandpa were real brothers. Therefore, you and that other guy's kids are second cousins.