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Q: What would you miss most if you could not continue living at home with your family?
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Eli and his family likely did not leave Sighet earlier because they did not fully comprehend the severity of the situation or the intentions of the Nazis. Additionally, they may have held onto hope that the situation would improve or that they could continue living their lives in their hometown. Furthermore, leaving everything behind, including one's home and community, is a difficult decision that may have been met with resistance or hesitation.

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No, the correct phrase in English is "separate from family."

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The Maya believed in an afterlife and the importance of honoring their deceased family members. They would bury their loved ones in tombs or in family plots beneath their homes. They also performed rituals and ceremonies to remember and communicate with their ancestors and believed that the souls of the deceased would continue to guide and protect the living.

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A Lakota family typically consisted of an extended family group, with multiple generations living together in a tipi. A large tipi could accommodate around 10-15 family members comfortably.

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Where would Justin Bieber rather live?

he would rather be living in stratford Ontario with his family, and friends.

What ethincity are you if your from Cleveland?

Well, You see Ethnicity isn't based off of where you live, it is based off of where ever your family is from. If you family is from Mexico and Ireland, you would be Mexican-Irish. So therefore, someone living in Cleveland could be any ethnicity.

Name some objects that would represent a family?

A photo album, a family tree, a set of matching keychains, and a framed portrait.

What could our family do that would make the world a better place?

Your family could recycle, do charity work, or advocate for peace.