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the guy probably is nervous about the girls reaction

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Because you are a forty year old man.

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Q: What would make a guy be shy to tell a girl that he likes her?
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If you have a friend that has a boyfriend and another girl likes her boyfriend what do you do?

if i where you i would tell the girl that likes that boy that he has a girlfriend.that is what i would do.

What does that mean if the guy is certain that a girl likes him for some reason and he gets a girl's attention?

I think he likes her way deep down, or that he is doing certain things to make them tell that she likes him. I think he is trying to make her tell him that she likes him.

What does it mean when a girl doesnt tell you who she likes?

She either just doesn't want to tell you who she likes, (I'm a girl and I would never tell a guy who I like!) or she likes you! Hope I helped ;) x

How do you make a girl tell you who they like?

How you make a girl tell you who they like is tough. A girly girl will tell her best friend if you beg her and beg her. Then a tomboy doesn't really have expressions. You would have to ask unushal questions un til she had to say who she likes

Should I ask out a girl when I think another girl likes me?

As long as the other girl that likes you didn't tell you that she does, the I don't see what the problem would be.

Would a girl who likes you tell you who they like if you ask them?

Answer If the girl is confident and feels comforatable telling you then she will. If the girl is not confident or wants you to know that she likes you without having to ask she will withhold whom she likes until you tell her you like her first.

How can you tell whether a guy likes a girl or not?

If he shows signs as smiling winking and tries to make physical touching and complementing then you can tell he likes you.

How do you get a girl to say that they like you?

To get a girl to tell you she likes you, you have to make her KNOW that you like her. If you don't she might feel too insecure to tell you.

How do you tell a shy girl likes you at 11years old?

Does she act like she likes you? You can ask her, that would answer your question.

How do you make your friend ask the girl he likes out?

tell her to stop be scarey and push her in to him

What does Justin Bieber do if a girl likes him but she is not the type?

he would just tell themm

What do you do if you tell the girl you likes brother that she likes you?

You come clean and tell the girl you like's brother that it wasn't true unless she told you she likes you.