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She had five siblings.

Juliette Gordon Low had 3 sisters, Eleanor Kinzie, Sarah Alice, and Mable McLane. She had 2 brothers, William Washington III and George Arthur.

Juliette Gordon Low was the 2nd of 6 children. Sarah Alice died at age 17 of scarlet fever.

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13y ago

Children from Eleanor Kinzie Gordon and William Washington Gordon

Eleanor Kinzie Gordon


Juliette Magill Gordon


Sarah Alice Gordon


William W Gordon


Mabel McLane Gordon


George Arthur Gordon


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12y ago

Eleanor Kinzie Gordon Parker died in 1933.

Sarah Alice (Alice) Gordon died in 1880.

William Washington Gordon, Jr. died in 1932.

Mabel McLane Gordon Leigh died in 1940.

George Arthur Gordon died in 1941.

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Eleanor Gordon married Wayne Parker and they had five children:

Alice Gordon, Eleanor Wayne, Elizabeth Wolcott, Wayne, and Cortlandt.

William Washington Gordon III married Ellen Buchanan Screven and they had two children:

William Washington ("B") and Margaret Eleanor (Daisy Doots)

Mabel McLane Gordon married Rowland Charles Frederick Leigh and they had two children:

Rowland Henry Gordon and Margaret Ethel.

George Arthur Gordon married Margaret Cameron McGuire and they had four children:

Mary Stuart, George Arthur, Jr., Edward McGuire, and Margaret Eleanor

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